Tag: Afrika

Im grünen Herzen Afrikas. Auf Campingsafari durch Uganda.
“For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life – bird, insect, reptile, beast – for vast scale – Uganda is truly the Pearl of Africa.” Winston Churchill

A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 1: Makuleke.
“Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations.” William Burchall

A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 2: Karongwe.
“It is time to cut the traces loose, and let your heart go free, beyond that far horizon where your spirit yearns to be. Africa is waiting – come!” Author unknown

A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 3: Back for Good.
“I’ve left my heart in Africa, who knows if I’ll go back. But I know that until I return one day, a piece of me, I lack.” Beth Restrick

Wenn die Buschtrommel schlägt. Ranger Training in Südafrika.
Es war das absolute Highlight unserer vierwöchigen Reise durch Südafrika: eine Woche verbrachten wir fernab jeglicher Zivilisation tief im afrikanischen Busch und bekamen Einblicke in die Ausbildung eines Safari Guides.

We are all rangers. Volunteering with elephant orphans in Zambia.
“To walk in the wake of elephants, to be small in a world of giants, to learn the spoor of silence, and the deep rumbling eloquence of kin.” Ian McCallum