Tag: Rangerausbildung
A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 1: Makuleke.
“Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations.” William Burchall
A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 2: Karongwe.
“It is time to cut the traces loose, and let your heart go free, beyond that far horizon where your spirit yearns to be. Africa is waiting – come!” Author unknown
A walk on the wild side. Safari guide training in South Africa – part 3: Back for Good.
“I’ve left my heart in Africa, who knows if I’ll go back. But I know that until I return one day, a piece of me, I lack.” Beth Restrick
Wenn die Buschtrommel schlägt. Ranger Training in Südafrika.
Es war das absolute Highlight unserer vierwöchigen Reise durch Südafrika: eine Woche verbrachten wir fernab jeglicher Zivilisation tief im afrikanischen Busch und bekamen Einblicke in die Ausbildung eines Safari Guides.